Overleaf sends submissions- with ORCID iDs- to Springer Nature journals

Submissions from EM Ingest partner Overleaf to participating publishers now automatically include the submitting author’s ORCID iD for improved workflow and to save time in the submission workflow.

Overleaf’s first such submissions were made earlier this month to the Springer Journals: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy and the Journal of Mathematical Biology. Both journals use Editorial Manager for submission and peer review. EM happily accepts ORCID iDs via our Ingest API, and is part of the partnership between Springer and Overleaf which currently provides direct submission links for 20 journals. Read more in Overleaf’s recent blog post.

Click here to watch a video on the EM Ingest integration with Overleaf.

Click here to view EM’s ORCID Integration video library.