Workflow wishes

What’s on your 2016 Workflow Wishlist?

As you pin up your 2016 calendar in preparation for the year ahead, what workflow infrastructure innovations do you have in mind? Maybe some of the peer review enhancements below will support your strategies for success in 2016!

1) Collaborative Decision Making with Reviewer Discussion Forums

Invite reviewers to participate in discussion forums with editors. (Version 12.2)

2) CheckCIF

Crystallographic or ‘CIF’ files will be automatically checked as a by-product of manuscript submission, conveniently displaying results to authors, reviewers and editors. (Version 13.0)

3) Rich Text Letters

Add Rich Text editing to your letters with a graphical options toolbar. (Version 12.2)

4) Share Letter Templates across journals

Share and edit master letter templates across selected journals in a portfolio. (Version 12.1)

5) Real Integration with five Ingest Partners

No-hassle integration with innovative author services and tools like Editage, Overleaf, ManuscriptsApp, PubRef and more to come. Authors using these services and tools can transfer submission files and metadata into Editorial Manager.

6) CRediT

Aries is pleased to be an early adopter of the CRediT contributor roles taxonomy. EM enables use of the taxonomy for specific contributor role recognition in 2016! (Version 13.0)

7) UI Curation

Aries continuously evaluates the user interface and makes incremental improvements, such as link formats, icons and buttons.

8) Decision Support Tools

Artwork Quality Check, Technical Check, Similarity Check, Duplicate Submission Check – look for more tools, such as Predictive Bibliometrics, in 2016!

9) Books Functionality

Coming in 2016! Learn more at EEMUG!

10) Extended cross-journal transfer options

All submission files and metadata transferred – including co-author responses to custom questions. Ideal for launching Open Access spin-off journals.

11) PowerGrids

Improved search results interface rolling out across EM pages, including saved searches, in 2016.

12) APC Management in ProduXion Manager

Building on existing EM integration, journals can now also trigger author payments during the production process. (Version 13.0)

13) Enhanced Editor Workflow Efficiency

Configuration of “editor chains” by article type, thereby greatly improving editorial office efficiency. (Version 12.1)

14) Flag History

Capture when flags are added and removed. A convenient and simple way to track editor activities and performance. (Version 12.2)

15) Granular People Notes

More granular notes in a structured format. (Version 12.1)