Experience Aries User Group Meetings

Are you interested in learning about and contributing to new innovations for Aries solutions? Aries hosts two user group meetings annually in Boston and London, with workshops and sessions designed to keep customers updated and solicit feedback for future product releases.

The Editorial Manager User Group Meeting (affectionately referred to as EMUG) offers users the opportunity to network with colleagues in the industry by sharing workflows, brainstorming new feature ideas, and discussing challenges. EMUG also provides a great forum for customers to collaborate with members of the Aries team in person!

Whether you are a new user of Editorial Manager and other Aries solutions, or a seasoned pro looking for the latest advancement, there is a place for everyone at EMUG! Catch a glimpse of the Aries user group meetings experience:

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Excited to join our next meeting?  Stay tuned for registration details on EMUG 2019, taking place on June 20-21 in Boston, MA!