Ringgold Institutional Name Normalization

Adopting standards has become increasingly necessary within scholarly publishing workflows. Ringgold’s database of normalized institutional names and corresponding IDs is integrated with Editorial Manager for consistent metadata.

Duplicate Submission Detection

Editorial Manager’s duplicate submission check feature quickly identifies if a manuscript has been previously submitted to the journal, saving publications time.

Linked Submissions

Editorial Manager allows journal offices to link submissions together for ease of tracking. This means that if two or more articles share a common bond, say, a special issue they are both scheduled to appear in, the journal can link the submissions together in a couple of clicks. This provides a fast way to identifyRead More

Detailed People Notes

Detailed people notes store granular information and can be used to help find reviewers. Using Editorial Manager publishers can record relevant information about registered users. Sometimes, this is information provided by users themselves; for example, classifications, keywords, institutional affiliations.