Prophy Referee Finder

Prophy’s Referee Finder tool is integrated with Editorial Manager to offer journals an AI-based Reviewer search and matching service

Find Reviewers using Scopus

Through the seamless EM and Find Reviewers using Scopus integration, leverage in-depth researcher insights to identify suitable Reviewers, ensuring a streamlined, impartial, and confident selection

The Aries Ecosystem

Comprised of both Aries and third-party technology that plug into Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager®, the Aries ecosystem connects users with best-in-class tools and services – all in one place.

Introduction to ProduXion Manager

ProduXion Manager, an innovative cloud-based production workflow management solution, works seamlessly with Editorial Manager to create a true end-to-end publishing experience.

Introduction to the NavBar

The user-friendly main navigation bar (“NavBar”) within Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager provides a simple and intuitive navigation experience for all users.

We Are Aries Systems: 2021 Rebrand

Introducing Aries’ fresh new look! We have embraced our growth and are thrilled to unveil our rejuvenated brand identity that reflects who we are today.

Task Manager for Editorial Tasks

Editorial Manager’s Task Manager feature allows journal offices to assign and track important editorial tasks prior to production and at any time in the editorial workflow.

Identity Confidence Check

Identity Confidence Check (ICC) helps Editors evaluate unknown researchers by verifying Author and Reviewer identities, helping to safeguard against fraudulent peer review and questionable Authorship.

ORCID Reviewer Recognition

Journals can conveniently acknowledge Reviewers for their peer review contributions by depositing review activity from EM into a researcher’s ORCID record.