Prophy Referee Finder

Prophy’s Referee Finder tool is integrated with Editorial Manager to offer journals an AI-based Reviewer search and matching service

Find Reviewers using Scopus

Through the seamless EM and Find Reviewers using Scopus integration, leverage in-depth researcher insights to identify suitable Reviewers, ensuring a streamlined, impartial, and confident selection

Introduction to the NavBar

The user-friendly main navigation bar (“NavBar”) within Editorial Manager and ProduXion Manager provides a simple and intuitive navigation experience for all users.

ORCID Reviewer Recognition

Journals can conveniently acknowledge Reviewers for their peer review contributions by depositing review activity from EM into a researcher’s ORCID record.

Submitting Reviews in Editorial Manager

Reviewers can easily submit their recommendation, ratings, and commentary on their assigned manuscript directly in EM via the journal’s custom Reviewer Form.

Changing the Number of Required Reviews

Publications using EM can configure a default number of required reviews for each type of article published by the journal. This feature helps drive useful workflow prompts.

Assigning Reviewer Numbers

Publications can enable automatic Reviewer number assignment to help manage and order Reviewers, and are especially critical for blinded workflows in which the number is the key identifier.

Resetting User Account Password

In the event an Editorial Manager or ProduXion Manager user cannot remember their account password for a specific journal site, follow these simple steps for a quick reset.

Updating User Account Information

EM and PM users can easily update their account information such as username and password, contact details, ORCID ID, and journal-specified classifications to describe areas of expertise.

Role-Based Promotion of Alternate Reviewers

Within EM, Alternate Reviewers can automatically be promoted when previously invited Reviewers decline or fail to respond to their invitation in a given period, saving valuable time and improving the overall experience.