Microbiology Society Partners with Aries and other Technology Providers to Build an Open Research Platform

The Microbiology Society, a membership charity dedicated to shaping the future of microbe research and communications, has recently relaunched their Access Microbiology journal as an open research platform. The journal, originally launched in 2018, supports the publication of replication studies, negative or null results, research proposals, data management plans, additions to established methods, case reports, software development, educational and outreach methods, and interdisciplinary work. In response to the growing need for the microbiology community to share their work quickly and transparently, the Council of the Society won a grant from the Wellcome Trust and Howard Hughes Medical Institute to convert their Access Microbiology journal into an open research system.

Access Microbiology is underpinned by Aries Systems’ Editorial Manager® (EM) for manuscript submission and peer review workflow management. Previously operating under a single-blind peer review model with only the published version made publicly available, the new open Access Microbiology enables visibility into all article versions (as preprints), Reviewer reports, Editor decision and comments, and Author responses to Reviewers. By collaborating with multiple technology providers within the industry, the Microbiology Society has made their comprehensive open publishing platform a reality, further expanding the reach and understanding of microbiology research.

For more information on how Microbiology Society partnered with Kriyadocs®, Ingenta, and Aries to create a robust open platform, read the full press release.

*Image property of Microbiology Society