Did You Know? Discover Aries FAQs

Have some lingering questions for Aries?  Well we have the answers!  Did you know that we have an extensive Frequently Asked Questions page highlighting common inquiries?

From “How can I log into Editorial Manager?” to “Are flexibility and configurability really that important?”, browse through over 30 questions to find the answer you need.

Want to narrow your search to find what you’re looking for?  You can filter information by one of four categories – Technical Requirements, Access and Support, Adopting Editorial Manager, and GDPR.

Looking for more detailed, step-by-step instructions to a specific feature or workflow as a current user? We encourage you to browse the Aries Video Library, read a tutorial, or contact your Aries Account Coordinator for more information.

Check back on the first Monday of each month for new insights in our “Did You Know” Series!